Donald Trump Attacks On Women! SNL won’t get away with it.

By: Jason Gabriel, Al Manara Magazine- Dubai
SNL (Saturday Night Live) mocked Donald Trump’s misogyny in their opening show. March 30, Trump have spoken some harsh comments about women. He made some comments about women who get to abortions that they need to be punished. These such comments can’t be tolerated by SNL. So here’s what SNL does.
April 2, in the opening show, SNL mocked Trump by imitating him. They make a scene where Trump is about to say his speech. Darell Hummond is the one who act as Donald Trump, he even started the chant “Women suck” followed by his supporters at the scene. They also made some fun for his uncomfortably complementary comments about his daughter, Ivanka Trump.
Well, SNL hopes that their message to Trump will hit him up. And make Trump realizes that he should be more aware of his comments towards to anybody or anything.


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