
We all love Caramel, but what if I told you that a piece of Caramel could transform your hearing ability to listen to Men’s thoughts?? Today we sat down with Actor Malek Rahbani to tell us about his new role in the TV series “Caramel” set to premiere during the holy month of Ramadan this summer.
Q: Ok Malek a piece of Caramel that makes you hear Men’s thoughts? How cool is that?
A: haha well it is not I who hears Men’s thoughts, it is our lead actress Maguy Bou Ghosn who in the series after helping a stranger is giving a small piece of caramel that the ability to help her hear men’s thoughts. It is a romantic light comedy filled with laughs that the audiences surely will enjoy and have a god time watching.
Q: Can you give us a sneak peek into your role?
A: yes but no SPOILERS. I play the son of wealthy but down on his luck Pharmaceutical giant who is selling his company to someone who will follow in his footsteps in providing medicine to heal people. I have interests of my own that are against my father’s wishes to well the company to someone I owe a lot of money to. This is where the conflict begins when Maguy’s character finds out my true intentions and my game is revealed. I can honestly tell you it was a joy to work on this series as it was my first time in a comedy.

Q: Was there a challenge for you separating the comedy from the drama, because we have seen you in dramatic roles before.
A: Not really because comedy has its own challenges you have to find the balance so as not to overact, but for me I tried to keep a somewhat serious tone in some of the scenes because that’s when I hit rock bottom and I tried also giving my performance a sense of Mr. Know it all, but in the end he crashes and burns.
Q: Will we see more of your comedic side in future projects or its back to drama?
A: oh definitely both I love to embrace all styles and genres of acting because that’s how you better yourself and you improve and become more versatile. So keep an eye out because I like to surprise and God willing the journey has just begun.

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شرفتي.. المقال الصحفي…… هل ما زال؟!

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